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Website design

This year as web managing editor, I've made an effort to familiarize myself with the Sno Sites platform and I've gotten much more comfortable with uploading stories and making changes to the website. 

Photo slideshows

As part of our aim to become a Sno Distinguished site, we started making more of an effort to create photo slideshows. I'm hoping that we will get more slideshows posted on our website soon.


spark pages and embeds

Using interactive story formats like these is something we have been trying to do more of this year. Learning how to use an embed code to create this story was a great opportunity for me.

alternative Formats

We've been making an effort this year to use the Sno story templates more, and I think this allows for really diverse coverage and presentation of information. 



Editing briefs teaches me so much about identifying crucial information and the importance of brevity. Uploading those briefs has made me very familiar with the interface of the website.

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